Cinnamon is the enemy of blood sugar

If we review the properties of herbs and foods to the scientific method, we achieved some interesting results. One of the latest these results are achieved by Swedish researchers about cinnamon. They say their tests shows that people who eat their pudding (or porridge) with cinnamon, their blood sugar rises less than others after eating this. Explaining that after a meal, naturally, blood sugar goes up, so that up to two hours after it blood glucose reaches to peak and gradually its value being low with enter the glucose into the cell, for use. As the report of Associated Press, this study that was done at the "Malmo" University in Sweden has shown, added cinnamon was able to partially control the blood sugar levels. The review of Gastrointestinal motility in this people, which have been healthy, have shown that cinnamon could prolong the time of passage of food from the stomach to the small intestine. Thus, the food is gradually absorbed, which makes blood sugar levels go up slowly. Previous studies have shown that cinnamon can also be used to control blood sugar in diabetic patients, but the researchers say their work is not such an outcome and may be mechanism of cinnamon is quite different and even contradictory in diabetics. So for prescribing it to patients, we need more research. The results of this study are published in the journal of "Clinical Nutrition" in America.


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